June 10, 2012

  • Lion by Gabe Bondoc

    This song really speaks to me. Lyrics:

    I'm a square peg for a round hole.
    I am sunshine. I'm a lighting bolt.
    I'm not what anybody thinks I am.

    So they'll try, they'll try to undermine me,
    But I know there's magic inside me.
    I'm not giving up.
    I'm not giving up what's right.

    I'm a fighter.
    Bring the fire.
    Fighting for the light.

    And I've got miles to go before I get there.
    And I've got miles to go before I'm home.
    I've got miles to go before I get there.
    I will get there, I know.
    But I've got miles to go.

    If they think I'm gonna get running,
    .. then they've got another thing coming.
    I know what I can do and who I am.

    So I'll push and prove as I'm flying,
    .. that I've got the heart of a LION.
    I'm not, I'm not afraid.. not afraid of the dark.


    I've been changing.
    My world's not what it used to be.
    So, I'll start with my heart.
    And know that I am on my way.


    Watch it at http://youtu.be/CsUjj_D1-nU.